Hey my JOOLY GOLLY FOLLY viewers!
I already know what a few of my presents are:
-a mouse pad(for my laptop)
-some earings-charms for my charm bracelet....
WELL that's all I know I am getting... WHAT DO YOU GUYS WANT FOR CHRISTMAS?
now It iS TiMe FoR CaRoLiNg!
OH jingle bells my brother smells from a thousand miles away!
um......ok so I m tired and I can't think of anymore. but any way.
Hey guys, so I have a Christmas competion for you. Do you see that picture of a vary bland Christmas tree? YES THAT ONE! I want you guys to decorate it for me and post it in one of your posts and then send me the link so that I can judge which is the best one. The winner will gat an award! I would really like it if everyone would at least try and do it:)
So yes I think thats everything. I will post tommorrow!