Monday, July 5, 2010

My awesome weekend *I caved* + award!!

OK, so I lied, I can't not blog for this long!!!! AAAHHH! I think I have gone mad!!! Anyway Alex and I had an AWESOME weekend (well Sunday) doing these canopy tours thingy. I am SO not explaining this well enough.............. so it's sort of like phoophie sliding (wow, my spelling is really incredible hey? she said sarcastically) except ..... OK, I will give you a picture which will explaine better (hehehehehe) *NOTE* THAT IS SOOOOOO NOT ME IN THE PICTURE!!!!!!! So what you do is....... you pretend that you are sitting down (on air) and you hold your saftey divices in one hand and hold the rope thing in the other behind you body(make sure it is straight) and then you LIFT OFF!!! If you want to go slower *pull* your hand down (thats holding the rope thing) DO NOT BEND YOUR ARM OR YOU WILL SPIN* Don't worry it was so much fun, it's just that I am not explaining it very well. I am sure Mizz Ali will also tell you ALL ABOUT IT!!=)

So I made an awesome award (I am saying that alot lately)
For this award you have to...........
I award....
and...... drum roll********
Feel free to give this award back to me (just kidding) SERIOUSLY!!! (just joking) Only if you want tooo.......

Look out for my post on the 7th!!!

11 blog lovin' comments:

ЯANdOM ЯAWR said...

Woah, that looks like so much fun but extremely scary at the same time! Awesome.
Thank you for the award, it's so cute. I might give it back to you! Ahhahaha.
I really want to know what you're posting on the 7th. Are you starting a joint blog with a friend? That's what everyone seems to be doing lately.

xx Blaize.

Cassidy :) said...

Wicked. :)

Loulou said...

Thanks, I already posted about it and I think that you deserve it so I gave it to you!!!

Talia said...

Wow that looks soooo cook but I would be so scared to try it considering I'm a huge scardey cat teehe =) and thanks for the lovely award i'm absolutely giving it back to u =) lots of love <33333

Lexi said...


OMG it was SO INSANE!!! i'll send u the pictures soon!!!! hahah remember when i went BACK like a quater of the way?? it was SCARY!!!!


thnx guys you all deserved that award and was like crazy scary in the beggining but I got used to it and it ws really fun!!!

Loulou said...

I can't find your birthday post, I click on it in my dashboard, but then it says it doesn't exist???????? DO YOU KNOW WHY??????

Gabrielle said...

Glad you had a great time!! I totally will look for your post tomorrow! sorry for the lack of comments, i was gone for 10 days and now, after sleeping off the jet lag, I am commenting on everyone's blogs! Oh and I love your font and the light up thingie that happens when i scroll over the comments link! lol!

<3 <3

Princess Sousue said...

hey there's a tag 4 u.



Princess Sousue said...

hEY. I have an award 4 u!!! actually 2 award.haha